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Friends of Ute Pass Trails

Building Trails, Building Community


Join Us!

2025 Work Dates

May 18, Sunday

June 21, Saturday

July 20, Sunday

August 16, Saturday

September 7, Sunday

September 27, Saturday

To volunteer, contact:


FOUPT Board of Directors

Second Thursday of the Month

6 PM

Church in the Wildwood

Green Mountain Falls

2nd Floor, Jeff & Carla Chapman Room


Our Mission


A volunteer-centered non-profit advocating for and supporting a system of safe and sustainable hiking trails for public use in the Ute Pass area, promoting stewardship for trails and education for responsible trail use.


Our volunteers dedicate their time and effort to improving our area's hiking trail network, making our community a better place to live and recreate.


Our Friends are committed to leaving things better than they find them, inspiring others to preserve and protect our natural resources, so vital to our well being.

Our Philosophy


We, the directors and associates of Friends of Ute Pass Trails (FoUPT), have been entrusted as stewards of trails in and around the Green Mountain Falls community. As we advise, plan and execute our trail work we will prioritize the following concepts:


- Consideration and respect for all voices within FoUPT, as well as public input.

- Prioritize the safety and positive experiences for trail users and our volunteers.

- Endeavor to preserve the natural character of our trails and surroundings. Flora, fauna, and local ecosystems must be minimally impacted and always respected.

- Recognize that there are times when trail safety, access, and sustainability may take priority over aesthetics and the use of native materials.

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Build, Protect, Educate

Help us preserve and protect our natural resources

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